This form will be active from 25/04/2022 until 12/05/2022, when neither modifications nor submission will be allowed.
Once the applicant identifies himself/herself for the first time, the initiated draft form will be saved and can be retrieved, modified and/or extended at any time within the above period.
It is important that if changes are made, they must be validated, and the application must be resubmitted until a new supporting document is obtained. Unvalidated changes will not be taken into consideration.
Once the form has been completed and sent electronically, a pdf document will be generated and must be signed by the applicant.
The supporting document of the application must be submitted by register, always within the same deadline for applications, through the electronic register of the UdG, or through a UdG registry office, diplomatic representations, Spanish consular offices abroad or any of the places established in art. 16.4 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on common administrative procedure of public administrations.
Submission through the register can be made by a third person.
If an applicant does not have an electronic signature, and has difficulties in submitting the application at a registry office, he/she can contact where instructions will be provided.
If more than one application is submitted, only the last one will be taken into consideration.